Help with Megan's Law Tier Hearings - Tier One, Tier Two, Tier Three
In New Jersey, a local prosecutor will fill out the Registrant…

Help with Megan's Law Tier Hearings - The Registrant Risk Assessment Scale
If you or a family member is on Megan’s Law in the State of…

Megan's Law requirements can be appealed
On behalf of Maynard Law Office, LLC posted in Megan's…

On Megan's Law? What to consider when you move to another state.
By Maynard Law Office, LLC posted in Megan's Law on…

What happens when a sex offender is convicted of a new offense?
By Maynard Law Office, LLC posted in Megan's Law on…

New Jersey CSL and PSL violation sentencing procedure
By Maynard Law Office, LLC posted in Megan's Law on…

Megan's Law could keep you from moving to or from New Jersey
On behalf of Maynard Law Office, LLC posted in Megan's…

Can NJ prosecute for acts of sexual assault occurring in another country?
Maynard Law Office, LLC posted in Sex Crimes on…

Retroactive application of GPS-Monitoring of Sex Offender Found Unconstitutional
By Maynard & Sumner, LLC of Maynard &…

Judge says wrongfully convicted man is innocent of sex crimes
On behalf of Maynard & Sumner, LLC posted in Sex…