21:46:162020-01-23 15:35:38NJ Sex Offender Act and eligibility of out-of-state offenders
On behalf of Maynard Law Office, LLC posted in Sex… 20:51:502020-01-23 15:33:45Some seemingly innocuous acts are actually sex crimes 20:44:292020-01-23 15:39:07Megan's Law and Sex Offender Recidivism 20:37:572020-01-23 15:37:07NJ Megan's Law Tier Classification and the Ability to Challenge It 20:28:432020-01-23 15:38:48Megan's Law Termination for registered sex offenders in NJ 05:52:332020-01-23 15:40:15Lessons learned from a sex crime sting operation 05:50:002020-01-23 15:36:49NJ nonprofit advocating for Megan's Law reform
On behalf of Maynard & Sumner, LLC posted in Domestic… 05:36:432020-01-23 15:34:33Reexamining the Violence Against Women Act
NJ Sex Offender Act and eligibility of out-of-state offenders
Pa. Court Rules SORNA for Juveniles Unconstitutional
Some seemingly innocuous acts are actually sex crimes
If arrested for a violent crime, seek counsel immediately
Megan's Law and Sex Offender Recidivism
NJ Megan's Law Tier Classification and the Ability to Challenge It
Megan's Law Termination for registered sex offenders in NJ
Lessons learned from a sex crime sting operation
NJ nonprofit advocating for Megan's Law reform
Reexamining the Violence Against Women Act