
NJ Legislature Expands Meaning of "Child Porn" and Creates Harsher Penalties
NJ Amends Child Endangering Law
Recently, New Jersey made several…

NJ creates new sex offense, “Leader of Child Pornography Network”
As of February 1, 2018, it is a crime to be a "leader of a child…

Can Children Be Put on Megan's Law in New Jersey?
Rapid technological development over the last couple of decades…

What Crime is Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing of Child Pornography in NJ?
Recently, several high-profile New Jersey cases involving the…

15 Pitfalls to a Sex Offense Plea (Including Megan's Law)
In the State of New Jersey, a sex offense plea carries significant…

Help with Megan's Law Tier Hearings - Tier One, Tier Two, Tier Three
In New Jersey, a local prosecutor will fill out the Registrant…

Help with Megan's Law Tier Hearings - The Registrant Risk Assessment Scale
If you or a family member is on Megan’s Law in the State of…

Man with child porn must register under Megan's law
On behalf of Maynard & Sumner, LLC posted in Megan's…

Some seemingly innocuous acts are actually sex crimes
On behalf of Maynard Law Office, LLC posted in Sex…